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The advanced biofuels originate from renewable energy sources such as plants. When biofuels burn to produce carbon-neutral carbon dioxide. Biomass produces liquid, solid and gaseous fuels that are renewable. Moreover, they substitute fossil fuels and they are readily available in markets. People mainly use biofuels as transportation fuels. Additionally, they also grow some plants specifically to produce advanced biofuels. These plants include non-edible food crops and algae. The advanced biofuels have a lower emission of greenhouse gases compared to the first-generation biofuels. However, they are more expensive and complex to produce than first-generation biofuels. Other advances biofuels such as hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel are still under development.
advanced biofuels and renewable energy sources


Fundamentally, advanced biofuels have several advantages. Essentially, they have a lower emission of greenhouse gases compared to the standard diesel. Furthermore, they are also less flammable compared to fossil fuels. Additionally, they have the same cost as gasoline but provide more benefits. Also, they are a suitable replacement for gasoline as they have renewable energy sources compared to gasoline which depletes over time. Besides, they are more efficient and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Moreover, advanced biofuels cause less pollution to the environment compared to standard diesel. The growth of plants using carbon dioxide from advanced biofuel production makes it a self-sustaining system.
 various advantages of advanced biofuels


There are six common types of renewable energy sources. These are solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, and energy from the advanced biofuels. Solar energy is one of the most popular renewable energy sources. However, the amount of solar energy is dependent on the time of the day and the season of the year. Contrastingly, wind energy produces electricity and is only suitable in areas with windy conditions. Also, it has no emission of greenhouse gases and is a clean source of energy. Hydro energy is the most commercially developed is more reliable than wind and solar energy. Tidal energy is a form of hydro energy that uses tidal currents to drive turbines. Furthermore, geothermal energy generated electricity from the heat below the earth’s surface while the advanced biofuels produce energy in the burning of biomass.
 the types of renewable energy sources

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