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Negotiation and conflict management are important aspects of business relationship development. Management and resolution of conflicts require the ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and resolve conflict. Besides, an individual needs to have a sense of fairness during this process. Business relationship development includes all connections that exist between all entities that engage in commerce. Also, it includes the relationship between various stakeholders in the business network. It not only includes employers and employees but also includes business partners and companies business associates with. To develop and maintain a good relationship, a business person needs to have skills in negotiation.
 negotiation and conflict management for business relationship development


Several methods apply in negotiation and conflict management in organizations. First, the avoiding style involves both assertiveness and cooperation. This means that the original conflict is neither directly addressed nor resolved. However, avoiding behavior might be appropriate when the issue is trivial. Second, the competing style characterized by high assertiveness and low cooperation. Besides, it is appropriate when quick decisive action is needed. Third, the accommodating style is appropriate when one side realizes that the issue is more important to the other side. It however requires the ability to communicate hence assure maximum cooperation. Lastly, the collaboration style involves both high assertiveness and high cooperation. It is often a win-win scenario applicable to business relationship development. It however requires a lot of time to reach a consensus.
methodologies of negotiation and conflict management


Business relationship development is important in the following ways. It creates loyalty between the business and the clients. Hence bring s about trust within the stakeholders and clients. Also, it creates an image that customers can relate to and even come to love. This makes customers’ relationships a shared responsibility. Also, it creates a great word of mouth where people trust referrals to the company hence create partnerships and alliances. Business relationship development develops the ability to communicate hence business people can effectively engage in negotiation and conflict management. This ensures that business transactions are fair to all parties.
importance of business relationship development

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