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Effective consumer marketing strategies take into consideration the consumer decision-making process. The consumer decision-making process involves the stages that a consumer goes through before buying a product or service. Furthermore, the process can be simple or complex depending on the opinions of the consumer concerning the product or service. Also, a complex process involves evaluating, comparing, and selecting from a series of products or services. One of the goals of a business is to figure out how a consumer makes decisions and how to make them decide to purchase their product. Additionally, a business has to use marketing-controlled sources of information to educate their consumers about their products.
consumer decision-making process and consumer marketing strategies


Primarily, there are five stages of the consumer decision-making process. The first stage is the need for recognition. Essentially, in this stage, a consumer determines their need for a certain product or service. Among the goals of a business is to determine when the consumers start to develop these needs. Moreover, information search follows this stage. At this stage, consumers begin to find more information about the products or services they need. A business should apply consumer marketing strategies to provide the necessary information on their products. In the next stage, consumers evaluate their alternatives available in the market. Eventually, the consumer decides to purchase the products or services. The final stage is the post-purchase behavior. If the product satisfies them, they may influence others to try out those services or products.
stages of consumer decision making process


Consumer marketing strategies are essential for the success of any business. Word of mouth advertising is a strategy cost-effective and powerful. Furthermore, it mainly takes place in the final stage of the consumer decision-making process when a product or service satisfies a consumer and they recommend it to other consumers. Moreover, internet marketing is a strategy that helps to promote a brand through the web, social media, and emails. Part of the goals of a business is to identify itself to consumers through methods such as media advertising. Links that appear from ads in search engines create traffic on the website of a business.
 consumer marketing strategies in business

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