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This paper looks into the database management systems and statistical data analysis. Database management and statistical data analysis are considered two independent aspects. However, database management has integration into statistical data analysis. DMS are therefore important in the management of data. For a company to function efficiently, it needs an effective running and management of data. Likewise, statistical data analysis is useful in many areas. These include business intelligence, financial and data analysis, and market research. Statistical data analysis deals with the exploring, collecting, organizing, interpreting, and presentation of data.
database management systems and statistical data analysis


Primarily, database management systems are essential for the access of data within a company. Current DMS depends on programming languages that are required to access, delete, and update data. This information is easily available to users within the company. Additionally, they help in the management of data. Moreover, DMS maintains a strong relationship between data. They allow different data sets or tables to relate to each other. This helps reduce the task involved in statistical data analysis. Not only do database management systems allow newer and better updates but also help in the search of data in a simple manner. Furthermore, a productive DMS allows the entry of new information and the update of current information.
important roles of database management systems


There are two main types of statistical data analysis. These are the descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis. The descriptive statistical analysis describes the features of information and rationally summarizes the data. Also, this type of statistical analysis may include charts, graphs, numbers, and tables in the presentation and management of data. The inferential statistical analysis deals with complicated mathematical estimations and it allows the inference of trends based on samples taken from a larger population. Besides, they are used to study relationships between variables from a sample. Therefore, these statistical data analysis types can both benefit from utilization by database management systems for easy handling of data.
key types of statistical data analysis

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