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This paper discusses sustainable tourism development and environmental protection strategies. Sustainable tourism is a form of tourism that maintains a balance between the environment, socio-cultural, and economic aspects of tourism. Also, it conserves biodiversity hence makes it available for future generations. The positivity in this is to provide a positive experience for local people besides tourism companies and tourists. Environmental protection strategies include the methods of protecting the natural environment by organizations, individuals, and the government. These strategies however reduce the impact of human activities on the environment through placing constraints on activities that cause environmental degradation.
sustainable tourism development and environmental protection strategies


Sustainable tourism development revolves around the following areas. First, human welfare which looks into the consequences of tourism on the local customs and traditions. Moreover, sustainable tourism aims to support the local economy, support nonprofit organizations besides protecting children’s welfare and local customs. Second, animal welfare whereby, sustainable tourism encourages people to neither pay people who harm animals nor pay for their services. Third, nature preservation involves the protection of world heritage for the future generation. This involves environmental protection strategies that guide this process. Also, it reduces the impact of human activities on the environment.
main areas of sustainable tourism development


Environmental protection strategies are important in the following ways. They help in the protection of the ecosystem thus reduce the danger of extinction. They also encourage the preservation of nature and its features hence fulfill compulsions. Also, the protection of humanity begins from the protection of the environment hence these strategies reduce the impact of human activities on the environment. The earth’s balance depends on the environment especially trees hence they help beat problems like global warming. In addition, the environment especially forests provide a habitat for wild animals hence environmental protection encourages sustainable tourism development for the well-being of these creatures.
importance of environmental protection strategies

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