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This paper looks into the types of management styles and the importance of management. Many management thinkers define management in different ways. Some say it is a set of activities directed to the efficient and effective utilization of resources whereas others say it is working with human, financial, and physical resources to achieve organizational goals besides planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions. Management is therefore a set of principles that revolves around the efficient use of resources through planning organizing and controlling them to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Also, management has different elements ranging from types, principles, and basic functions.
 types of management and importance of management


There are three main types of management styles. First, the democratic management style involves employees getting involved in decision making. It involves extensive communication between both managers and employees hence useful when various skills are needed. Second, persuasive management style involves managers controlling all decisions. This style not only allows managers to lead by example but also helps employees understand the benefits of their manager’s decision. Lastly, a laissez-faire management style is where the manager is a mentor to the employees. This style, therefore, allows employees to take charge of achieving the organizational goals and objectives hence flourish their creativity. These management styles depict the importance of management in organizations.
 main types of management styles


All organizations need different forms of management. The importance of management in organizations is as follows. First, it helps to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Management allows an organization to have a proper plan hence follow a mapped course towards these goals. Secondly, it provides a sense of focus and direction therefore members can anticipate problems and cope with them. Third, the different types of management styles help to maintain order and responsibility since everyone knows what they ought to do. Lastly, management helps in action initiation and keeps the organization moving. This establishes an authority to which employees are answerable.
importance of management in organizations

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