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This paper analyzes burnout in nursing and the prevention of compassion fatigue; compassion fatigue is secondary stress that results from absorbing the emotional stress and trauma of others. Moreover, it is an emotional residue of exposure that takes effect when someone is working on others suffering from consequences of trauma. Similarly, burnout is a mental, emotional, and physical state that someone acquires as a result of chronic overwork. Its symptoms include the physical and emotional exhaustion and a feeling of lacking personal accomplishment. Its effects emerge gradually over time. Additionally, the drive, enthusiasm, and passion of someone fade away as tediousness and unpleasant thoughts emerge.
burnout in nursing and prevention of compassion fatigue


Fundamentally, the first step in preventing burnout in nursing is occasionally taking a break from work. This motivates the nurse and restores energy. Moreover, nurses need to take care of themselves by exercising, eating well, and having enough sleep to ensure that they stay fit and are in a position to work. Furthermore, nurses should learn continually to help them renew their compassion and deal with the consequences of trauma. Besides, maintaining a healthy balance between work and their normal lives helps nurses in preventing burnout in nursing and the prevention of compassion fatigue. Like many other professions, nurses require time to do other things that they love doing in their free time. Not only does this relax their bodies but also relieves work-related stress.
 ways of preventing burnout in nursing


Essentially, it is key for nurses to learn about the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue. This is a helpful means of prevention of compassion fatigue. In addition, it is also important for nurses to set their emotional boundaries for their protection. They should remain empathetic and supportive without involving themselves too much with those facing the consequences of trauma. Likewise, nurses should maintain strong relationships outside work. Relating to friends who are not aware of their work situation provides emotional relief. This also helps in dealing with burnout in nursing. Additionally, seeking personal therapy helps in combating compassion fatigue.
methods of prevention of compassion fatigue in nursing

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