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This paper looks into the causes of human trafficking and modern-day slavery; human trafficking is one of the negative effects of globalization. It involves the removal of organs from victims, labor, and sexual exploitation. Even though there are different causes in different countries, the root causes are similar throughout the globe. This makes combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery one of the highest priorities. The number of victims of modern-day will be on the rise in the coming years. This poses a high risk of potentially vulnerable trafficking victims. As a result, several countries have taken measures to curb human trafficking.
causes of human trafficking and modern-day slavery


One of the main causes of human trafficking is poverty. It drives parents to sell their children contributing to modern-day slavery. Poor people are also traffickers’ targets. Lack of education also increases jobless people hence making them vulnerable trafficking victims. The exploitation of victims also increases when the demand for cheap labor and commercial sex increases. Lack of legitimate ways of making money also turns people into human trafficking. Groups such as migrants without work permits and people living in rural areas with little jobs are major victims of such. Conflict and natural calamities may also cause economic instability and a lack of human rights making people more vulnerable to human trafficking.
 causes of human trafficking in the world


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. It similarly exploits vulnerable trafficking victims. Victims may suffer physical injuries from sexual exploitation and forced labor. They may also contract sexually transmitted diseases and become pregnant. They may experience gynecologic health problems. The victims may have self-esteem issues, post-traumatic stress, and trust issues. They may also feel guilt and shame and resolve to alcohol and drug abuse.  Victims may similarly have emotional and mental problems as a result. They may suffer psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and suicidal ideation.
 effects of modern-day slavery

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