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This assignment looks at BIND-2554 entering foreign markets and managing foreign markets. By selling one’s product or service in another country, one can introduce your company to huge markets. Several market entry methods can be used to enter a foreign market. The methods include exporting, Licensing, Franchising, and Foreign direct investment. Exporting is the direct sale of goods or services in another country. It is possibly the best-known method of entering a foreign market, as well as the lowest risk. It may also be cost-effective as one will not need to invest in production facilities in the chosen country. BIND-2554 entering foreign markets and managing foreign markets increases one’s sales and profits and promotes brand recognition.

BIND-2554 entering foreign markets and managing foreign markets


BIND-2554 entering foreign markets and managing foreign market encompasses the market entry strategies. There are a variety of ways in which a company can enter a foreign market. No one market entry strategy works for all international markets. The market entry methods include direct exporting, Franchising, Licensing, Partnering, Joint Ventures, Piggybacking, Greenfield Investments, and Turnkey Projects. Direct exporting may be the most appropriate strategy in one market. There will be several factors that will influence your choice of strategy. The factors include tariff rates and the degree of adaptation of your product required, marketing and transportation costs. While the factors of managing foreign markets may increase costs, the increase in sales will offset these costs.

market entry methods or strategies for firms


BIND-2554 entering foreign markets and managing foreign markets raises a number of issues. Trading with foreign suppliers also raises some issues one may not be familiar with. Typically, these issues include language differences, new payment methods, and increased paperwork requirements. However, with a little research and planning, we can overcome the challenges of managing foreign markets. Widening one’s purchasing to the international market can give one significant competitive advantage. Using foreign suppliers can lower input costs and give one access to specialized goods and materials not available in Canada. Trading with foreign businesses differs from trading in Canada. Lastly, It’s not safe to assume that the same rules or market entry methods will apply abroad as in Canada.

managing foreign market especially managing foreign suppliers in Canada

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