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This paper discusses dental hygiene tips and oral hygiene routine. Dental hygiene refers to the practice of keeping the mouth, gums, and teeth healthy to prevent diseases. Tooth decay and periodontal diseases which result from bacteria built up as plaque. General guidelines suggest brushing twice a day: after breakfast and before going to bed, but ideally the mouth would be cleaned after every meal. Cleaning between the teeth is called interdental cleaning and is as important as tooth brushing to maintain healthy teeth and gums. To improve the appearance of their teeth, people may use tooth whitening treatments and orthodontics.
dental hygiene tips and oral hygiene routine


As children grow, good oral hygiene should grow with them. The establishment of the best oral hygiene routine for children is essential. This routine includes using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and ensuring the child spits it out after brushing ensures they don’t ingest the bacteria. They should also maintain dental hygiene tips like the amount of time they brush their teeth ensures they clean their mouth thoroughly including the tongue. Helping the child while brushing their teeth or flossing helps them pay attention to the back teeth to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Also, flossing teeth as soon as the teeth touch helps them build good dental habits. Parents should ensure that their children visit the dentist every six months.
best oral hygiene routine for children


Smokers should ensure that they take care of their dental hygiene through the following dental hygiene tips to prevent tooth decay, mouth infections, gum diseases, and yellowing of teeth. They should brush their teeth using gingivitis reducing toothpaste twice daily for healthy teeth and gums. They should also reduce their consumption of acidic food which stain or corrode teeth. Tongue cleaning is also essential. Because cigarettes contribute to increased bacteria in the mouth, the tongue is most affected. This reduces bad breathe fuzzy on the tongue surface and increases the ability of taste buds. Antibacterial mouthwash also kills bacteria in the mouth. Observing oral hygiene routine like regular dental cleaning and self-check also helps.
basic dental hygiene tips for smokers

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