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The essay will discuss an introduction to human trafficking and how the UN tackles human trafficking cases; notably, the UN has developed several approaches to address various extents of human trafficking. For example, Stop the traffic is an approach that arose due to the UN observing different effects of human trafficking. Mainly, a lack of understanding of the human trafficking issue has led to the impediment of anti-trafficking efforts. Measures in tackling the vice get entangled with several forms of organized crime, such as prostitution and illegal immigration. An introduction to human trafficking will, therefore, help in understanding how the UN combats various human trafficking cases.

 introduction to human trafficking, click


There are various measures that the UN has introduced in eradicating human trafficking globally. Human trafficking involves the use of force, exploitation, and coercion of a person to profit. Mainly, human trafficking victims face sexual and labor exploitation with examples such as slavery and debt bondage. Several efforts exist in eradicating trafficking cases in the domestic and international domain, and collaboration between countries is essential. Significantly, there are over 80 separate instruments that are essential in addressing slavery and forced labor issues. The essay will also discuss an introduction to human trafficking and human trafficking cases and ways of eradicating the vice.

eradicating human trafficking and introduction to human trafficking


The essay will highlight two human trafficking cases and compare them and their different outcomes. First, there is the Tas v. Belgium case that took place on 12 May 2009. The case focused on the confiscation of premises that had links with human trafficking and exploitation offenses. Notably, the court declared the application ill-founded and thus inadmissible. Secondly is the Kaya v. Germany case whereby the conviction of a Turkish national living in Germany. Primarily, he had attempted aggravated trafficking in humans and aggravated battery. Lastly, thee assignment will highlight an introduction to human trafficking and analyze two human trafficking cases and their outcomes.

 human trafficking cases and anti-trafficking case outcomes

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