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The essay highlights an introduction to learning styles and the observational learning style seen among some learners; mainly, there has been a division among psychologists on the terminology and various aspects of learning techniques. Some theories on learning styles boil down to how best a person perceives information. However, others tend to focus on people’s personality traits and a focus on an individual’s ways of processing data. One can learn various materials quickly and find it easier remembering upon focusing on an individual dominant learning style. The article provides an introduction to learning techniques and how the observational learning style works among students.
introduction to learning styles and observational learning style


The noticing learning style involves students becoming aware of a particular aspect while learning something. Notably, noticing can get used in teaching a grammar concept by giving students examples. Moreover, the students have to notice the common aspects of the models to understand. A general classroom situation can allow for various uses of the noticing style. Primarily, teachers can increase the chances of students noticing by putting up posters around the classroom. The students will get to see common aspects of the signs at their own time. An introduction to learning styles helps in understanding both the noticing and observational learning styles and their implementation.

 noticing learning style and an introduction to learning styles


The observational learning style involves observing and modeling another individual’s behavior, emotional expressions, and attitudes. People believe that an observer will eventually copy the model through observational learning. However, individuals will only learn from the behavior and fail it according to an American psychologist. Observational learning stems from Bandura’s social learning theory. Mainly, Bandura emphasized that four conditions, namely, attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation, were necessary for modeling behavior. Several things affect concentration, such as sleep, and may interfere with an individual’s attention. Lastly, the essay will look at the introduction to learning styles and analyze the noticing and observational learning styles.

observational learning style and conditions for observational learning

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