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This paper discusses air pollution in cities and the causes of global warming. Air pollution is the release of pollutants into the air that are detrimental to the earth and human health. Air pollution in cities is one controversial issue. An increase in the number of industries in the cities leads to increased emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. These emissions cause ozone layer depletion and climate change.  Climate and Clean Air programs try to regulate these emissions to protect public health. Global warming relates to air pollution from the release of gases like methane which have a greenhouse effect onto the earth.
 air pollution in cities and causes of global warming


The cause of air pollution in cities is as follows. Burning of fossil fuels by various modes of transport leads to the emission of pollutants like carbon monoxide, lead, and other organic compounds. Manufacturing industries release a huge amount of chemicals into the air which causes ozone layer depletion. Petroleum refineries in cities also release hydrocarbons that pollute the air that causes land pollution. Household cleaning products and paints emit toxic chemicals that cause air pollution. They release suspended particulate matter that floats on the air. These pollutants often increase atmospheric temperatures, therefore, makes air pollution one of the causes of global warming.
 cause of air pollution in cities


The following are the human causes of global warming. Industrialization which is the main cause of carbon(IV)oxide emission. A study by the international energy agency shows that most industrialized countries release the most amount of pollutants. Deforestation is also another cause of global warming. Because trees are carbon sinks, cutting them down increases the amount of carbon in the air. Livestock production increases the amount of methane in the air from the animal wastes causing global warming. Travel and transportation encourage the combustion of fossil fuels which releases pollutants in the air which causes air pollution in cities. The use of aerosols also causes global warming. These aerosols mainly consist of CO2 and methane, as well as chlorofluorocarbons which are greenhouse gases that cause ozone layer depletion.
human causes of global warming

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