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This paper looks into animal body systems and organs of the body. The body has millions of cells that come together to form body organs. Body organs are complex structures within the body of animals made to perform a specific job or jobs. Animal body systems consist of several organs that work together to perform certain functions. The body consists of nine systems and several organs. The positioning of these systems and organs varies depending on their structure and functions. Coordination of these animal body systems ensures that they perform their functions effectively.
animal body systems and organs of the body


The animal body systems have the following functions. The respiratory system facilitates gaseous exchange in the body. The circulatory system ensures sufficient oxygen supply to all organs of the body. The nervous system enables the sending and reception of nerve and sensory impulses in the body. The digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of food to fuel metabolism. The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones that control body functions. The reproductive system enables animals to create offsprings the lymphatic system keeps the circulatory system supplied with plasma and maintains the immunity of the animal. The skeletal system maintains the structure of an animal’s body. The urinary system releases waste from the blood in the form of urea. As seen, these organs have several structures and functions in the body.
functions of animal body systems


There are four vital organs of the body in animals with different structures and functions. These are the heart, lungs, liver, and kidney. The heart whose position is between the lungs pumps blood into the lungs and all other animal body systems it forms part of the circulatory system. The lungs which are part of the respiratory system are sponge-like organs that facilitate gaseous exchange in the body. The liver, located below the lungs assists in the digestion of food. The kidneys form part of the urinary system and they help in the process of blood filtration. Though these organs are essential in the body other minor organs are also important for the systems to work effectively.
 vital organs of the body

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