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This paper analyzes the causes of depression and the management of stress; depression is a mood disorder. It is a feeling of loss, anger, or sadness that causes interference to the daily activities of a person. Depression lowers the productivity of a person and results in loss of time. It may also lead to chronic diseases. Moreover, it may also worsen other conditions such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Depression is a serious medical condition and if not treated, it may get worse. With treatment, improvements become visible within weeks. Prolonged stress also causes depression although not at all times.
 causes of depression and management of stress


Failure in the management of stress is one of the causes of depression. Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse may also increase the risk of clinical depression. Some drugs can also cause depression. Sadness due to grief from death or loss of loved ones may cause depression problems. Depression occasionally also passes down a family’s genes. Some illnesses may also cause depression and decrease the productivity of a person. Many victims of substance abuse are likely to face clinical depression problems. Other personal problems such as social isolation due to mental illness or removal from a group or family can also cause clinical depression. Major events loss of jobs, marriage, or divorce is also some common causes.
 main factors that cause depression


Carrying out several body exercises is important in the management of stress. It may also help to counter other causes of depression as it helps in relieving the body. Through exercise, a person becomes stronger and it also increases the productivity of a person. The use of supplements such as lemon balm, valerian, and green tea may help in stress reduction. Burning a scented candle or using essential oils reduces anxiety and stress. High consumption of caffeine also causes anxiety. Spending time with other people like family and friends releases oxytocin which is a stress reliever in the body.
simple methods of management of stress

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