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In various social and cultural norms, there are different levels of conformity; norms are standards of group behavior. They relate to values that regulate individual and group behavior. People form these groups through social interactions. Conforming to social norms occurs over time. This is where people in a society begin to regulate their relationships and behavior to suit societal norms. This way, these groups create expectations and ideal values to set the normative order of the groups. Social and cultural norms represent the factual world. Many social groups have operative norms that punish undesired behavior in individuals. This is where some individuals fail to conform to societal norms and violate set rules.
 social and cultural norms and types of conformity


The levels of conformity include compliance, identification, and internalization. Compliance is the lowest level of conformity. Here, individuals adjust their behavior in public and actions. However, people do not change their private beliefs at this level. Conforming to social norms at this level is usually the result of normative social influence. During identification, individuals change their private beliefs, but only in the presence of the group. Internalization is the deepest level of conformity. It involves a long-term process of completely changing one’s private beliefs. Here. Individuals adopt social and cultural norms fully. It is usually the result of informational social influence.
 understanding the types of conformity within social groups


There are numerous reasons for conforming to social norms. Normally, people tend to copy others’ behavior and choices. This occurs even with the knowledge that these people did not make their choices freely. People also conform to social and cultural norms that do not suit their preferences. Vere few theories attempt to explain this nature of human behavior. Ordinarily, people follow the choices made by people from the past. However, each individual may face moral dilemmas in deciding the specific social and cultural norms to adopt. Many people find themselves struggling and stuck in one level of conformity. The rationale for most people is that it is probably the right thing to do if everyone chooses to do something.
reasons for conforming to social norms

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