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The essay will discuss urban-rural happiness differentials and urban-rural happiness gradient. The world’s urban population had grown from 30% of the total in 1950 to 55% in 2018. Moreover, projections point to continued growth to 68% by 2050. There is an expectation that the global rural population will decline from 3.4 billion in 2018 to around 3.1 billion in 2050. The urban population will increase from the current 4.2 billion in 2018 to 6.7 billion by 2050. The happiest people in the world, however, are from small towns and rural areas. This upward trend of urbanization expected will continue in both more developed regions and less developed regions. Hence, there is a continuing rise in the level of urbanization across the world. The urban-rural happiness differentials and urban-rural happiness gradient research identify happiness factors globally.

 urban-rural happiness differentials, click


Research points to a small town and rural area people as the happiest people in the world. Heaven is wide open spaces — at least, it is for most people. That is according to a massive new data set of happiness in Canada. A team of happiness researchers at the Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University provided a paper on happiness levels. The essay also highlights the urban-rural happiness gradient and how it relates to the research. They compiled 400,000 responses to a pair of Canadian national surveys. Thus, this allowed them to parse out distinctions in well-being at the level of more than 1,200 communities. “Life is significantly less happy in urban areas,” the paper concluded. The urban-rural happiness differentials and urban-rural happiness gradient research article focuses on happiness levels globally.

 small town and rural area people as the happiest people in the world


The “urban-rural happiness gradient” states, that rural dwellers, suburb inhabitants, and those in small and cities, run from happiest to least. That is in that order, respectively. However, Ingraham also reports that this trend gets reversed for those with the highest IQs. Thus, they say the most satisfaction with their urban lives. The happiest people in the world may be from anywhere, depending on several factors. Notably, a significant factor in all of this is socialization. Therefore, people with lots of social interactions report more happiness. As Ingraham puts it: “When smart people spend more time with their friends, it makes them less happy.” The essay helps in understanding the urban-rural happiness differentials and urban-rural happiness gradient.

urban-rural happiness gradient and its significance

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