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Climate change’s influence on global cultural heritage is an issue that will continue to pose problems in the future. Natural Heritage sites have an apparent close relation to environmental resources. However, also Cultural Heritage sites, in most cases, are part of a cultural landscape. That is, in which the surrounding nature and its environmental resources are a critical element. The number of World Heritage sites at risk from climate change continues to increase considerably. Thus, virtually all Cultural Heritage Sites cannot get managed and maintained without considering their natural environment. Also, climate change may increase the pressure on heritage sites by increasing human impact. Focusing on climate change’s influence on global cultural heritage will lead to the preservation of national heritage centers.

 climate change influence on global cultural heritage


Global cultural heritage faces a significant threat from climate change. The UNESCO World Heritage List comprises a total of more than 700 cultural monuments. Notably, more than 40 of these sites will directly face the water’s great threat during the next 2000 years. That is If global average temperature increases by just one degree Celsius. Also, with a temperature increase of three degrees, about one-fifth of the cultural world heritage face a long term.  World Heritage sites at risk include the historical city centers of Bruges and Naples. Moreover, 136 sites will be below sea-level in the long-run in that case if no protection measures take place. Governments addressing the climate change influence on global cultural heritage can help to save the world heritage sites.

 global cultural heritage threatened by climate change


There are several world heritage sites at risk due to climate change. Some 31 natural and cultural World Heritage sites in 29 countries across the world are becoming increasingly vulnerable. Climate reports document climate impact on world heritage and tourism. They include increasing temperatures, melting glaciers, rising seas, and intensifying weather events. Moreover, it also covers other global Cultural heritage sites such as South Africa’s Cape Floral Kingdom. Importantly, World governments, the private sector and tourists all need to coordinate their efforts. The efforts are to help reduce carbon emissions and to protect the world’s most treasured cultural and natural resources. There is a need for global cooperation to tackle climate change influence on global cultural heritage effectively.

world heritage sites at risk from climate change

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