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There are several reasons for racist and religious hate crime rise in the world. Anyone can be the victim of a racist or religious hate incident. When racist or religious hate incidents become criminal offenses, they are known as hate crimes. Any criminal offense can be a racist or religious hate crime. That is if the offender targeted you because of their prejudice or hostility based on race or religion. There are two main types of racist and religious hate crime. One is the racially or religiously aggravated offenses under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Reasons for hate crime rise lie with individual perceptions of persons.

For more information on racist and religious hate crime, click


People victimized by violent hate crimes are more likely to experience more psychological distress than victims of other crimes. Specifically, victims of bias-motivated crimes are more likely to experience safety concerns, depression, and post-traumatic stress. They also experience anxiety and anger than victims of crimes that are not motivated by bias. Racist and religious hate crime is prevalent in many countries in the world. Hate crimes send messages to members of the victim’s group that they are unwelcome and unsafe in the community. Furthermore, witnessing discrimination against one’s group can lead to psychological distress and lower self-esteem. Politicians are one of the reasons for hate crime rise.

For more information on hate crimes and interpersonal violence, click


The research on the reasons for hate crime rise shows new shocking findings. Hate crimes committed based on religious identity have surged 23 percent, the most significant annual increase since 9/11. In November of 2018, the FBI released its report on hate crimes in the U.S. for 2017. It wasn’t good news. Hate crimes based on religious identity surged 23 percent, the most significant annual increase since 200. The most startling statistic is that the number of hate crimes targeting Jewish people increased by 37 percent. The 9/11 attacks have led to increased racist and religious hate crime over many years.

For more information on reasons for hate crime rise and statistics on hate crime, click

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