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Companies often adapt Net present value as a capital budgeting method due to its benefits. NPV is a useful method for evaluating whether to invest in a new capital project. It is more refined from both a mathematical and a time-value-of-money point of view than other methods. It is also more insightful in specific ways than the profitability index or internal rate of return calculations.Net Present value uses discounted net cash flows in the analysis. NPV analysis involves several variables and assumptions. Additionally, NPV evaluates the cash flows forecasted to be delivered by a project by discounting them to the present. Cutting emanates from information from the period of the project and the firm’s weighted average cost of capital. Net present value as a capital budgeting method determines whether firms should invest in a project.

For more information on Net present value as a capital budgeting method, click


The capital budgeting method also referred to as capital investment analysis. Capital budgeting enables managers to use the technique to allocate scarce capital to investments in the most value accretive manner. The funds that businesses have to invest are finite by nature, thus the need for capital budgeting. Money has a time value component to it; therefore, the payment received now gets invested and grown later. Net present value as a capital budgeting method is a standard tool used for making capital budgeting decisions.  Current money value and future value cashflow comparison are like apples to oranges comparison. Likewise, the difficulty when investing capital is to determine which is worth more. Analysis of the current capital investment or future net cash flow values that an investment produces occurs.

For more information on the Capital budgeting method and the time value of money, visit


Comparisons between the Net present value and IRR show NPV better at analyzing, evaluating, and selecting big investment projects. IRR does not understand economies of scale and ignores the dollar value of the project. Furthermore, IRR cannot differentiate between two projects with the same IRR but a vast difference between dollar returns. NPV, on the other hand, talks in absolute terms. Discounting and reinvestment of net cash flows at the same rate by IRR differ from the NPV rate. The IRR rate makes it impossible to invest money at that rate in the market. NPV assumes a rate of borrowing as well as lending near to the market rates and is therefore practical. In conclusion, wrong cash flow estimation results in misleading the Net present value as a capital budgeting method.

For more information on Net present value vs. Internal rate of return, click

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