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The influence of globalization on language has been widespread, and globalization’s effect on language viewed as positive. Globalization is readily increasing in today’s world. This increase in globalization has many effects on expression, both positive and negative. However, with globalization, it also leads to the extinction of other languages and cultures. Globalization’s role in learning languages is essential as it allows for languages to spread to other countries that adopt them. Additionally, languages are, then, the very lifeline of globalization: without language, there would be no globalization and vice versa. The influence of globalization on world languages has led to globalization’s effect on language worldwide.

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Globalization’s role in learning languages is essential and has assisted in worldwide communication. It’s important to recognize how globalization has affected language around the world. This will help to develop a better understanding of how schools can continue to serve an ever-evolving population. Globalization’s effect on languages led to inferior countries adopting foreign languages. Additionally, world languages through colonization, more powerful, industrialized countries were able to force their languages on weaker populations. Also, it was necessary for traders in other less-powerful regions to learn more widely-spoken languages as colonialists controlled the economy. The influence of globalization seen with globalization’s effect on languages is hard to ignore and facilitates information sharing.

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Across the world, it is easy to spot globalization’s effect on languages due to common languages shared. One of the most significant casualties of globalization is the loss of some of the world’s more obscure languages. Globalization’s role in learning languages is damaging as people lose their culture slowly by adopting foreign languages. Dialects and regional languages are becoming more marginalized as they succumb to languages such as English. The reason for this is because foreign languages wield higher perceived social and economic value. Therefore, the influence of globalization on languages is negative, and globalization’s effect on language exists through the marginalized regional dialects.

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