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Juvenile delinquency crimes and delinquency prevention measures are topics that continue to cause worry in society today. Juvenile delinquents are young persons, more importantly, teenagers who break the law by committing crimes. Also, there are several reasons why teens become juvenile delinquents and what causes them to commit crimes. Broken families are one of the leading juvenile delinquency causes in the current society. Additionally, a teen adopts moral and ethical values from his parents and other family members. Broken or disturbed families with bad relations can cause teens to go astray and become violent. Lack of social and moral training is another cause of juvenile delinquents, which leads them into the wrong company. Therefore, for a reduction in minor crimes, Juvenile delinquency crimes, and delinquency prevention measures need immediate addressing.

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The most effective delinquency prevention measure has indisputably been to assist children and their families early on. Recreation as a preventive measure allows teens to connect with other adults and children in the community. Reports indicate that teens are likely to commit crimes after school, with the peak hour being 3 pm. Also, parent-child training program preventive measure aims to control one of the leading juvenile delinquency causes. In addition, the parent-child training program is designed to teach parenting skills to parents of children who exhibit major behavioral problems. Education, as a preventive measure, aims to teach children about the effects of drugs, gangs, sex, and weapons. In conclusion, education programs have taken into consideration the Juvenile delinquency crimes and delinquency prevention measures.

For more information on juvenile delinquency prevention measures and their effectiveness, visit


Knowing the juvenile delinquency crimes can help with the rehabilitation of those juveniles. Property crimes such as burglary, theft, and arson are among juvenile crimes. Boys incidentally make up over sixty percent of those juveniles arrested for property crimes. Another minor delinquent offense is a violent crime, which constitutes murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Lack of moral and ethical values as one of the juvenile delinquency causes has contributed to these crimes. Proper actions for these crimes include the use of Judicial Waiver, Statutory Exclusion, and Direct File. The different Juvenile delinquency crimes and delinquency prevention measures continue to cause an uproar in the community.
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