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US welfare policies are thought to be controlling the poor and are the terrible policies leading to poverty. Work requirements exist not only to push people into wage labor. But they also to purge the welfare rolls of anyone deemed “undeserving. US work requirements are seen as punishment on various groups of people and promote poverty. Before welfare reform, 68 percent of people living under the poverty line received welfare assistance. Today, it’s only 23 percent. And since, deep poverty—family income below half the poverty line—has worsened. Reforming US welfare policies will lead to the scrapping of policies leading to poverty.

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The US work requirements changed when President Trump signed an executive order on the reforming of welfare reforms. The reforms aim to transition more non-disabled working-age Americans into the workforce. The change in US welfare policies includes reducing dependence and encouraging work. The President’s Council of Economic Advisers recommended that current work requirements expand in non-cash welfare programs. Expecting non-disabled working-age adults to work shouldn’t be controversial. Nonetheless, some are critical of the idea that welfare programs should require work. Meanwhile, others have attacked CEA’s reporting of evidence from the scientific literature on poverty. Lastly, Reforming the US welfare policies will reduce the number of policies leading to poverty.

For more information on US work requirements and the US governments stand on welfare policies, click


Welfare policies leading to poverty have continuously harmed US citizens. The 21st Century began with a radical new welfare system that fundamentally changes how America cares for her poor. US work requirements favored several groups, which included the poor and the dependent and led to critical debates. The 1996 welfare reform law was the result of a decade of often dramatic and contentious debate. Additionally,  the debates focused on the proper nature of reform. On the one side were conservative reformers who demanded work requirements, illegitimacy prevention, and general de-entitlement.  US welfare policies and especially the policies leading to poverty require well thought out reforms to benefit US citizens.

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