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Understanding workplace organizational behavior is critical in the management of performance. Organizational behavior is the academic study of people’s actions within groups. Additionally, organizations apply their principles in attempts to make businesses operate more effectively. Moreover, it includes areas of research that work towards improving job performance, promoting innovation, encouraging leadership, and increasing job satisfaction. Furthermore, the models of organizational behavior help an organization to craft strategies to get employees to perform a certain way in certain situations. Moreover, providing employees with an environment to succeed leads to an organization’s success.

Read more on workplace organizational behavior and the management of performance at;


There are several models of workplace organization behavior. The autocratic model behavior places the boss in charge and the subordinates in a position to obey a command. However, it establishes the consequences of insubordination and ineffectiveness in the management of performance. Also, it may create a fearful workforce that is unsure if any mistake can lead to disciplinary action. Consequently, this may affect their motivation in working towards an organization’s success. The Custodian model of organizational behavior makes the employees feel as if the boss is caring for their personal needs. This is through benefits packages such as retirement plans and healthcare. Additionally, it looks to retain quality people by providing incentives that are meaningful to the employees.

Read more on the types of workplace organizational behavior at;


Fundamentally, the management of performance enables an organization to look into the future. By monitoring and managing workplace performance, leaders can see potential future problems. Moreover, acting before a potential problem becomes an actual problem may contribute to an organization’s success. Also, performance management helps to create development and training strategies that suit the workplace organizational behavior. Training programs provide employees with an opportunity for improvement. Additionally, performance management increases employee retention as it encourages organizations to reward and recognize their employees.

Read more on the importance of the management of performance at;

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