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Many people are debating the relationship between violent video games and violent teenage behavior. Video games influence teenagers’ behavior in one way or another. Too much exposure to video games can cause aggressive behavior. Parents should set limits on the amount of time a child spends playing video games. However, some studies suggest that violent video games have little to no influence on a teenager’s behavior. They suggest that some family issues and the environment influence behavior in teenagers more. Environmental factors act as catalysts for violent acts for an individual who has a violence-prone personality. Few researchers find an advantage of playing video games as a way of coping with teenage aggression.
violent video games and violent teenage behavior


Research on violent video games yields mixed results. Most studies associate them with increased aggression in terms of thought. These games also result in increased physiological arousal and decreased prosocial behavior. Reducing playing time for teenagers is less helpful in coping with teenage aggression. Due to ethical reasons, most researchers have a bias towards laboratory experiments to find solutions for behavioral sciences. Furthermore, variables that influence real-world aggression and violence have the same effects on laboratory measures of aggression. We can address and manage issues of violent teenage behavior through counseling and conducting more research for more data on psychological sciences.
myths and facts about violent video games 


Communication adds significant input in dealing with violent teenage behavior. Parents and guardians should use communication to connect with troubled teens. Even though teens may act indifferent, opening lines of communication is helpful for those coping in teenage aggression. Before talking to them, parental figures must be aware of their own stress levels to find common ground for free communication. This means finding topics that both parties are interested in, like sports for fathers and sons. Lastly, if a parent feels the need to reduce the time spent playing violent video games, communication is the way to go about it.
dealing with violent teenage behavior

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