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This research paper provides an understanding of the occurrence of diseases through stem cell research. The Center of Regenerative Medicines is studying conditions like motoneuron diseases, liver failure, and multiple sclerosis which cause several deaths. Stem cell research aims to formulate improved treatment methods used to improve patients’ lives. By using stem cell research, scientists gain more knowledge of degenerative conditions that have no cure. They gain understanding on how diseases occur, frequency of occurrence and transmission rate.
understanding occurrence of diseases through stem cell research


For scientists to come up with improved treatment methods, there is a need to use measures to determine the frequency of the occurrence of diseases. There are two main measures used in this process. The incident rate which measures the number of new cases per unit time in a certain population. The cumulative incidence determines the proportion of individuals who contract a disease in a given time, taking into account the time that they develop the disease. Stem cell research uses this data to understand the nature and spread of various diseases. Risk analysis is also a measure that determines the frequency of occurrence of a disease.
measures of frequency of the occurrence of diseases


Stem cell research entails some ethical issues. These include informed and voluntary consent of individuals during the donation of biological material for study. The use of cell lines derives from other institutions bring conflicting legal issues and data that risks new occurrence of diseases despite the extensive research. The stem cell clinical trials consider the risks and benefits of the experimental intervention to establish improved treatment methods for the disease.
ethical issues in stem cell research

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