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The assignment focuses on the types of risk assessment and emergency management theories in the US open event context. A risk assessment considers the hazards present in a task or activity. Also, it looks at the likelihood of harm that might occur and the severity of that harm. On the other hand, the stages of emergency management are essential in mitigating risks in the event a disaster occurs. Importantly, a risk assessment has five steps to it. The measures include identifying the hazards, deciding who might be harmed and evaluating the risks, and decide on precautions. The types of risk assessment rely on emergency management theories in mitigating risks.
For more information on the types of risk assessment, risk


In planning for an event, it is essential to follow the stages of emergency management correctly. Emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding risks, particularly those that have catastrophic consequences. Moreover, training, conducting drills, testing equipment, and coordinating activities with the community are other essential functions. Emergency management theories help in preparing for mitigation processes during emergencies. Some of the four stages of emergency management include mitigation and preparedness. Mitigation is taking action now to reduce human and financial consequences later. It involves analyzing risk, reducing risk, and insuring against risk. The article helps in understanding the types of risk assessment and the emergency management stages that are important during event disasters.

For more information on stages of emergency management and their importance during disasters, click


Emergency management theories are essential when it comes to developing a framework for mitigating risks and hazards. There are also different theoretical approaches that sometimes conflict with one another. That is in terms of how best to protect against the dangers of disasters. For example, much of the contemporary thinking surrounding disaster management comes out of the management sciences discipline. The stages of emergency management require the appropriate use of emergency management theories. Furthermore, disaster management often makes use of such models to determine which events are more likely than others. The article highlights the types of risk assessment and their integration into emergency management theories.

For more information on emergency management theories useful for disaster mitigation, click 
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