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This thesis discusses the types of corrosion and corrosion prevention methods. Corrosion is a two-step process that occurs when metals deteriorate by chemical processes. There are different types of corrosion. They include uniform, pitting, crevice, and galvanic corrosion. Metal corrodes when it reacts with another substance such as oxygen, hydrogen, an electrical current, dirt or bacteria. The metal being tarnished acts as the anode of a short-circuited electrochemical cell. Corrosion can also happen when metals like steel are placed under too much stress causing the material to crack. Therefore, the elements of corrosion include a metallic surface, an electrolyte, and oxygen. Oxidation can lead to safety concerns, loss of life, additional indirect costs, and damage to reputation. Fortunately, corrosion prevention methods reduce both the economic and safety-related effects associated with the process.
Read more on the types of corrosion and the corrosion prevention methods at
 There are several types of corrosion. They include uniform corrosion, which takes place evenly over large areas of a material’s surface. Secondly, pitting corrosion occurs by damage in the oxide film and non-uniformities in the structure of the metal. Thirdly, crevice corrosion occurs in oxygen restricted areas such as under washers or bolt heads. Fourthly, intergranular is through the enrichment or depletion of an alloying element at the grain boundaries. Fifthly, stress corrosion cracking is the growth of fissures due to an environment subjected to the elements of corrosion. Lastly, galvanic corrosion is the immersion of two different metals with physical or electrical contact in a common electrolyte. Therefore, the more active metal (the anode) corrodes faster than a more noble metal (the cathode). Providently, there are various corrosion prevention methods.
Read more on the implications and types of corrosion at
This section describes the corrosion prevention methods. First, barrier coating involves covering a metal surface with paint providing a barricade against the moisture in the environment. Secondly, a sacrificial layer constitutes covering a metal surface with another metal. Thirdly, cathodic protection involves conferring a continuous negative electrical charge on a metal. Cathodic protection protects underground fuel tanks and pipelines from the elements of corrosion. Fourthly, passivation is the buildup of a thin film on a metal surface to serve as a barrier against oxidation. Lastly, anodization involves bathing a metal in an electrochemical substance, forming an oxide film thicker than a passivation layer. Each of the above methods has its pros and cons. Therefore, understanding the types of corrosion and implementing the right corrosion strategies will decrease the economic and safety-related damages.
Read more on the types and characteristics of corrosion prevention methods at

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