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Types of advertising methods and purpose of advertising are essential business concerns. Advertising is any paid form of communication from an identified source that draws attention to ideas, goods, or services. Technological advancements have revolutionized advertisement as a promotion tool. Therefore, there are several types of advertising methods, delivered through media such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. They include direct mail, print, mobile, online and outdoor advertising. The purpose of advertising involves the provision of information and persuasion. Thus, advertising is towards groups rather than individuals. Effective advertisement entails basing the placement on a knowledge of the public and skilled use of the media. Providently, advertising agencies orchestrate media strategies based on researching consumer behavior and demographic  market analysis.

Read more on the types of advertising methods and purpose of advertising at


There is a primary purpose of advertising. For instance, informative advertising creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. Secondly, persuasive advertising aims at convincing customers about a company’s services or products and altering negative perceptions. Therefore, the goal of advertising agencies is to influence consumers towards switching brands or trying a new product. Thirdly, reminder advertising recaps people about the need, features, or benefits of a product or service. Fifthly, product-focused advertisements promote an organization’s goods or services. Lastly, public service announcements focus on social-welfare issues such as drunk driving, drug use, and practicing a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, the different types of advertising methods should reflect the right environment for a product or service.

Read more on the importance and purpose of advertising at


There are several types of advertising methods. They include print advertising, which uses documented avenues such as magazines, newspapers, brochures, and leaflets. Secondly, broadcasting advertising is a mass-market form of communication like television and radio. Thirdly, outdoor advertising aims at reaching consumers away from home. They include billboards and posters. Fourthly, mobile advertising is through cellphone devices such as phones, iPad, and other portable electronic devices with internet connectivity. Fifthly, online advertising is via the internet. Lastly, direct mail entails writing to customers directly. The latter approach enables advertising agencies to select the target audience, hence is more personal. Other advertising methods include the use of social media sites, and blogs. In conclusion, the purpose of advertising determines the publicity method applied.

Read more on the applications and types of advertising methods at

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