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Toxic leadership behaviors may be a huge hindrance to the improvement of organizational effectiveness. Toxic leadership is a kind of leadership where leaders by their dysfunctional personal characteristics or destructive behavior inflict serious and enduring damage on their fellow members or organizations. Additionally, it often causes employee dissatisfaction, interdepartmental conflict, high turnover rates, stagnant innovation, and low productivity in workplaces. Toxic leaders create a disillusion and demotivate a workforce with their destructive behavior patterns and dysfunctional interactions. Contrarily, organizational effectiveness helps to transform a business enterprise into a profitable and purposeful organization. However, it heavily relies on the leadership system.


Arrogance and boastfulness are toxic leadership behaviors that make leaders think that they are always right and expect others to accept their word without question. Consequently, this may lead to low productivity in workplaces. Similarly, an autocratic leader usually does not want other people’s opinions rather than their own. Some leaders may also be irritable hence they despise other opinions and avoid them as much as possible. This may resultantly prevent the improvement of organizational effectiveness. Toxic leaders also act supremely confident though they have no confidence in themselves. Also, they find it hard to trust their team members.
Read more on the characteristics of toxic leadership behaviors at;


Primarily, good leadership is essential for the improvement of organizational effectiveness. To achieve high performance, leaders need to define and redefine key processes and execute them with discipline. However, toxic leadership behaviors may cause a company not to achieve its visions. Additionally, organizational effectiveness requires good communication. Moreover, strategic communication ensures that the impact of a message is consistent with the intentions. Antagonistically, poor communication may lead to low productivity in workplaces. Accountability is also key to ensure an organization meets its goals and objectives. Performance accountability systems clarify what the organization expects of the people.
Read more on the components of the improvement of organizational effectiveness at;

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