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The Wide Sargasso Sea highlights some of Jean Rhys’s contribution to Charlotte’s classic tale. it is, therefore, a visceral response to Charlotte Brontë’s treatment of Mr. Rochester’s ‘mad’ first wife, Bertha. Jean Rhys reveals the horrifying reality that might lie behind a man’s claim that a woman is mad. Jean Rhys’s characters have different attributes that help in developing the storyline.  The Wide Sargasso Sea is also exploring Victorian paternalism, the social and political history of the West Indies therefore, serves to show some of Jean Rhys’s contribution to the literature world.

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Jean Rhys’s characters represent several characteristics developed from Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel. Also, it was Jean Rhys’s effort to rewrite the history presented by Charlotte’s classic novel, Jane Eyre. Rhys explores this character who Brontë herself acknowledged was left somewhat unexplained. Additionally, this narrative structure in the Wide Sargasso Sea skews ideals of imperialism by challenging concepts of narrative authority. Mainly the narrative structure is that of white male authority, as Rochester gets inserted between Antoinette’s two accounts. Finally, it is captivating, and it is thanks to Jean Rhys’s contribution to Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel.

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Jean Rhys’s contribution to Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, is, therefore, a complicated one. There is a current of power that lies underneath the surface of the story of Wide Sargasso Sea. Each character, no matter how helpless he or she may seem, is touched by this current. Jean Rhys’s characters in Wide Sargasso Sea try to understand her or his relationship with the other. Thus, the surge of energy pulsates amidst fear and vulnerability and moves the story forward. Lastly, it is Jean Rhys’s contribution to Charlotte’s works through an in-depth look at the main characters.

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