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This paper seeks to analyze the importance of environmental ethics. Environmental ethics is the philosophical discipline that considers the moral and ethical relationship of human beings to the environment. It spells out the causes of environmental pollution. It defines the obligation that man has to the preservation and care of the non-human world. Therefore, environmental ethics helps define man’s moral and ethical responsibilities toward the environment. Also, principles of environmental ethics are standards or benchmarks against which we can evaluate our actions.

For more information on the importance of environmental ethics. Visit,


This section reviews the principles of environmental ethics. There are many different principles on which to draw in moral reasoning about specific ecological problems. This research paper examines three essential pairs of principles: justice and sustainability, sufficiency and compassion, solidarity, and participation. This paper also, demonstrates how environmental concerns challenge us to extend these principles. Additionally,  it also reflects the importance of environmental ethics. It concludes with a description of three general types of arguments. This argument provides moral reasoning about the environment. Therefore, the three classic ethical principles of justice, sufficiency, and solidarity can be traced back to too many different sources. Lastly, Ethical principles help us to identify the causes of environmental pollution.

For more information on the principles of environmental ethics. View,


This section reviews the causes of environmental pollution. The acts of humans lead to environmental pollution. The stronger demand for resources is also a factor that contributes to the problem as we all need food and shelter. When these things are so desired and need the natural balance of the environment is disturbed. Engineering developments are resulting in resource depletion and environmental destruction. Therefore, several environmental issues have created havoc on our environment and human life. If ignored today, these ill effects are sure to curb human existence in the near future. The principle of environmental ethics brings out the fact that all the life forms on Earth have the right to live. Hence, by destroying nature, we deny life forms this right. The importance of environmental ethics consists of many things. The use of chemicals effects both vegetation and humans alike. Other items, such as technology, are also affected.

For more information on the importance of environmental ethics. Visit,

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