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This assignment reviews the connection between addiction and violence. Society views violence as part of the effects of addiction. Multiple factors connect addiction and violence. Drug and alcohol use weakens self-control. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to see people who use drugs engaging in violent behavior. We can use the concept of “cause and consequence” to explain how addiction causes violence. More than 75 percent of people who seek treatment for drug addiction report having performed acts of violence. People who suppress negative feelings like anger are more likely to drink to intoxication and exhibit violent behaviors. Such people should seek treatment for addiction before it goes too far.
Read more of the connection between addiction and violence at


All types of domestic violence originate from one person’s desire for control and power over another. In most cases, the violence is just part of the effects of addiction. Being under the influence of any substance greatly increases the chances of abusive behavior. When a person abuses drugs, the chemicals in their brain rewire to seek out the substance. This may happen despite any future consequences of their behavior. Without treatment for addiction, this can result in irrational, violent, or controlling behavior within a relationship. The effects of addiction and domestic violence are far-reaching. Most victims of domestic violence struggle with a wide range of mental health disorders. People in such relationships must understand how addiction causes violence. It will help them to seek for more informed solutions.
Read more of addiction and causes of domestic violence at


To eliminate the violent effects of addiction, one can seek both legal and non-legal resources. A person experiencing violence from an addict should remove themselves and any children from the situation. It might be challenging to determine how addiction causes violence at home because of the link between violence and addiction. For example, some drugs, like methamphetamines, lead addicts to become paranoid and violent. If you are not around the addict, the addict cannot physically hurt you. Sometimes, the victims of addiction-related violence can seek treatment for addiction on behalf of their loved ones. This is especially in cases where there are children involved, to retain parental rights.
Read more of the legal and non-legal resources for addiction-related violence at

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