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Cloud computing security is the discipline of cybersecurity dedicated to protecting cloud computing environments, applications, data, and information. Cloud security includes Data security, Identity, and access management, Governance, legal compliance, data retention, and business continuity planning. Hence, cloud security entails securing cloud environments against unauthorized use and other cloud security threats and risks. Cloud environments are deployment models in which one or more cloud services create a system for the end-users and organizations. These services segment the management and security responsibilities between clients and providers. Therefore, the three cloud computing environments are public, private, and hybrid. Third-party providers offer cloud service types and models as modules used to create the cloud environment. Essentially, there are three types of cloud architecture models; software-as-a-service (SaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and platform-as-a-service model (PaaS).

Read more on the cloud computing environments and cloud architecture models at


There are three cloud computing environments. First, Public cloud environments are third-party services run by the provider to give clients access via the web, such as Amazon Web Services. Secondly, Private third-party cloud environments provide exclusive use of cloud by clients. Hence, cloud environments depend on the types of cloud architecture models offered. Lastly, Hybrid cloud environments Combine aspects of public and private cloud service providers, allowing organizations to wield more control over their resources. However, cloud security threats include external and internal risks. For instance, external attackers are caused almost exclusively by malicious actors, such as malware and phishing. Alternatively, human errors such as misconfiguration of user access controls and malevolence cause internal threats.

Read more on the cloud computing environments and cloud security threats at


There are three cloud architecture models. First, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides the storage and networking components to cloud networking. Hence, Providers only manage core cloud services. IaaS examples include Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine (GCE). Secondly, Software as a Service (SaaS) centrally hosts programs and data that are accessible via a browser. SaaS examples include Google Drive, Slack, and Salesforce. Notably, the service models determine the types of the cloud computing environments. Lastly, Platform as a Service (PaaS) Provides tools and other computing infrastructure, enabling organizations to focus on building and running web applications and services. PaaS examples include Google App Engine. In conclusion, Visibility, performance management tools, and assessing cloud security threats are essential components for securing cloud architecture.

Read more on the cloud architecture models and cloud security services at

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