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This paper analyzes the challenges in leadership and the leadership development plan. In the current world, leaders experience several; challenges during their leadership. These include, lack of accountability, poor communication, poor execution of tasks, lack of a clear vision for the organization, lack of alignment in the organization’s system, and the fear of firing. When experiencing these challenges, leaders need to come up with a leadership development plan. This plan helps leaders to set their careers right to enable them to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. This plan also guides them through their career growth and professional development.
 challenges in leadership and leadership development plan


There are many ways of addressing challenges in leadership. Reactiveness in leadership is essential. This is where a leader is on the front line in finding ways to better the organization and solve any problems faced. Creativity also addresses these challenges. This is when a leader doesn’t run away from problems the organization is facing but instead looks for ways to solve them. The leader also changes the way the organization operates to help them deal with the losses and gain both community and political support. Also, a leader should be ready to listen to his people and effectively respond to their ideas, plans, and opinions. Retaining the organization’s goals and objectives by coming up with a leadership development plan guides the leaders on what steps to take in the time of crisis.
ways of addressing challenges in leadership


The importance of a leadership development plan is as follows. It enhances employee engagement and imparts leaders with skills to effectively lead teams. This plan also creates effective leaders who help an organization to develop unique and efficient strategies that drive the organization to greater heights and help them achieve their goals and objectives. This plan also creates a positive image of leadership, therefore, giving young leaders an example to live by. The leadership development plan also guides leaders in solving the challenges in leadership.
importance of a leadership development plan

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