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This article discusses the brain and the meaning of life. There is no meaning in life outside of that which we can find by ourselves as a species. What seems to prompt people to complain that life lacks sense are particular varieties of unhappiness. Another reason is the fear of death. Many people believe that humankind is the creation of a supernatural entity called God. Religion makes people feel that God had an original purpose in creating us. Faith makes most people understand why life is worth living. They believe in a higher purpose in life. However, even if God exists, we do not know the purpose of creating all nature.
Read more of the brain and the meaning of life at


Many believe that without religion, they would not have other reasons why life is worth living. This way, religious people have a reason which they refer to as ‘our God-given purpose.’ Non-religious people find that it frees us to be the authors of our purpose. This way, they lead truly dignified and meaningful lives. Many religious people also cling to their religious beliefs for fear of death and what may come afterward. They believe that we all have a pre-determined purpose, and we find the meaning of life from pursuing and believing in this ‘purpose.’ Different religions have different analogies as to what the meaning of life means. This creates confusion, segregation, and other religious conflicts.
Read more of religion and the meaning of life at


We can find the meaning of life in our simple day-to-day routines. This is through communication, understanding, and service. Some of our most meaningful moments are to do with instances of connection and communication. Being in intimate relations where we can reveal our psychological selves helps us find why life is worth living. Understanding also helps us to make sense of what was once unfamiliar and strange. However, no one understands what is to come after death. This creates the fear of death. Apart from understanding, we also find meaning through service. This way, we improve other people’s lives, either by alleviating sources of suffering or else by generating new sources of pleasure.
Read more of communication, understanding, and service at

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