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This research paper examines technological evolution perspectives and applications of technology. Technology is highly dynamic; therefore, it keeps changing over time. Creativity and innovation allow people to come up with new applications of technology to ease tasks. Different scholars have different views on the existence of technology. Brian Arthur believes that technology evolves. He also states that evolution is an increase in complexity and maturity. Moreover, he adds that it uses existing components to introduce new generations of products. Therefore, the more the number of existing components, the more the number of new inventions. Although technology is beneficial in so many aspects, there exist negative social impacts of technology.

Read more on technological evolution perspectives and application of technology at


Technology proves an essential aspect of today’s world. Technological evolution perspectives help us in understanding the development of technology over the years. Generally, today technology is inevitable as life without technology becomes complicated. It integrates tools for promoting development and facilitating the exchange of information. The applications of technology currently include the following. Firstly, technology increases access to proper healthcare systems. Healthcare is highly essential for survival. Secondly, technology is useful in communication through the use of electronic gadgets. Additionally, other areas of application are workplaces, learning, and business. The social impacts of technology bring change in both positive and negative ways. This research paper focuses on the negative impacts evident in the next section.

Read more on the application of technology in today’s world at


Technology affects an individual’s thinking, learning, and communication. Additionally, it influences daily interactions among people. The social impacts of technology on the negative perspective include the following. Easy access to information makes adult content easily available to young viewers. As a result, this corrupts the morals of younger generations. Secondly, technology reduces face to face social interactions among people. This is because people tend to use their communication gadgets for conveying most of the information. Moreover, the gadgets are highly addictive and hence affect relationships. Technology also may result in theft through impersonation and electronic theft of funds. Therefore, the applications of technology need monitoring to reduce negative impacts.

Read more on the social impacts of technology at

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