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Primarily, strategic project management aids in practicing quality control at every stage of a project. Project management involves the planning and organizing of the resources of a company to move a specific duty, event, or task towards completion. Moreover, it may also involve an ongoing activity or a one-time project and managing resources such as personnel, finances, intellectual property, and technology. Similarly, quality control is an ongoing process that touches everything from purchasing to manufacturing to distribution. Additionally, consistent quality takes hard work, attention to detail, and systems for monitoring and assessing whether a product meets the standards that a company sets.


Essentially, strategic project management is important in the strategic alignment of project activities. Moreover, it ensures the delivery of the right product and the close alignment of project goals and the strategic goals of the business. Also, project management ensures the setting of proper expectations in the delivery of products and managing resources of a company. Furthermore, project management helps a company in practicing quality control. Under, tight schedules and rushing of processes, quality control helps in ensuring standard quality output. Additionally, it involves the assessment of quality in every stage.

Read more on the importance of strategic project management at;


Practicing quality control enables a company to reduce the variability of materials. Moreover, it utilizes the resources of a company to ensure consistency in production. This is by recognizing inconsistencies and developing systems to compensate for them. Also, quality control helps to reduce waste and cut costs. This aids in strategic project management as it enables a project to operate within the budget. Additionally, quality control is a vital element in ensuring that products meet the expectations of customers. Consequently, this helps in providing a steady revenue stream and earning referrals.

Read more on the importance of practicing quality control at;

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