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In this assignment, we will address the sociological theories of deviance and the causes of deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates social norms and rules. There are four main sociological theories of deviance. They, therefore, include the social strain typology developed by American sociologist Robert K. Merton. Others re structural functionalism, labeling theory, and conflict theory. According to Merton, there are two criteria for the typology of deviance. The first is people’s motivations and adherence to cultural goals. The second is people’s beliefs on how to attain these goals. Based on these criteria, there are five types of deviance, including innovation, conformity, ritualism, rebellion, and retreatism. This assignment also aims at explaining the relationship between deviance and addiction.
sociological theories of deviance and the causes of deviance


By identifying the causes of deviance, we can work on achieving optimum social control.  In addition, Most researchers argue that structural strain, labeling, and social control structures form the main causes of deviance. According to strain theory, societal structures may encourage deviance. Social norms and acceptable goals may place too much pressure on individuals. Therefore, people may form a deviant subculture in efforts to attain the same goals.  Therefore, they may develop behavioral aspects that influence levels of deviance and ‘addiction’ to the means to achieve the goals. This is where they develop ‘deviant careers.’ Labeling theorists argue that labeling is a social fact, especially in the context of law enforcement and social service agencies. Theories of deviance also provide insights into key terms such as primary and secondary deviance.
social control and the causes of deviance


There is a significant relationship between deviance and addiction. An addiction is a physical and psychological dependence on a mind-altering substance. It explains behavioral and psychological changes that occur due to repeated, chronic use of a substance. Thus, combining deviance and addiction may magnify certain behaviors like being antisocial, aggressiveness, and lying. The theories of deviance also explain the concept of deviant careers, which is similar to addiction. Some people choose to live deviant lifestyles, which are difficult to break. This has a massive influence on how these people interact with others, including the relationships they form. We should address the causes of deviance and review social norms, so everyone feels like part of society.
understanding the concepts of deviance and addiction

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