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A social responsibility plan helps is important for management in organizations. This is because it imparts the members of the organization with essential social skills, therefore, enhancing ethical behavior. A social responsibility plan, therefore, refers to an action plan and practices that organizations partake in to ensure that they have a positive impact on the world. To ensure the achievement of the goal to implement this plan, organizations need to guide both the development and maintenance of resources. The process brings forth four major areas of interest which are planning, organization, leading, and controlling. This, therefore, shows the importance of management in implementing plans.

Read more on social responsibility plans for management in organizations at;


Social responsibility plan not only impacts the organization but also plays a great role in the outside world. For instance, some companies opt to improve the environment using different measures like the adoption of the use of renewable energy. Therefore this helps to ensure that the environment is protected at all costs. Additionally, with the help of management in organizations, the plan helps to improve the living standards of society. This is by running small and large scale programs like local charities and local events, therefore, improving the living standards of the people. Lastly, the plan helps in the elimination of unethical labor practices like child labor and slavery.

Read more on the impacts of social responsibility plan at;


Management in organizations is important since it helps to provide a sense of direction and focus. This is because management anticipates problems hence the members know how to cope with them. Also, it helps in the achievement of goals and objectives since it ensures that the organizations follow a course towards a vision and a mission. Moreover, it plays a major role in planning. For instance, the creation and implementation of a social responsibility plan require proper setting of the short term and long term goals and the means to achieve the goal. Lastly, it helps in the optimum utilization of resources within the organization.

Read more on the importance of management in organizations at;

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