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Achieving RSCH600 Excellent customer satisfaction and providing RSCH excellent service quality are essential factors to ensure the success of a business. Service quality refers to a customer’s comparison of service expectations as it relates to the performance of a company. Additionally, a business with excellent service quality is more likely to meet customer needs while remaining economically competitive. Moreover, for a business to remain relevant and competitive in the marketplace, it should work proactively to obtain information from their potential or current customer base to ensure they meet their needs. Similarly, customer satisfaction is important as it provides business management with a metric for managing and improving the business.
 excellent service quality and achieving customer satisfaction


A business management should strive to develop a great service climate which is a key to excellent service quality. Primarily, the components of RSCH excellent service quality are service strategy, service performance, and customer service. A service strategy helps to build a service value chain and design internal service platforms. Also, a good service value chain concept helps in building an effective service delivery platform that affects customer quality greatly. Efficient service delivery also contributes to achieving customer satisfaction. Contrarily, employee training, empowerment, and rewards help to build service performance.
the components of excellent service quality


Achieving customer satisfaction provides a business with indicators of customer repurchase intentions and loyalty. Additionally, it provides a point of differentiation from the competition. Therefore, it enables business management to develop strategies that place the business ahead of the competition. Moreover, it reduces customer churn by ensuring that the business provides RSCH excellent service quality. It also increases customer lifetime value as satisfaction plays a great role in revenue generation in a business. Also, it reduces negative word of mouth by unhappy customers as this may affect the reputation of a business.
 the importance of achieving customer satisfaction

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