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This paper looks into the rise of technological unemployment as a result of the emergence of artificial intelligence; most people believe that unemployment will soon be a result of artificial intelligence. Most working areas are using robotics to replace human intelligence due to their efficiency. Artificial intelligence has dated back to the industrial revolution where people protested due to the fear of machines replacing human labor. The future of work is a controversy because of new technologies.
 rise of technological unemployment from the emergence of artificial intelligence


The rise of technological unemployment has several effects. Social instability is an effect of this rise because of the sharp decline in the demand for less-skilled labor. Replacement of workers by technology brings rage against machines because of uncertainty in their future of work. Criminal activities are on the rise due to a lack of employment. Despite the emergence of artificial intelligence reducing employee working hours and increasing productivity, most employees face the risk of completely losing their jobs.
effects of the rise of technological unemployment


Despite the emergence of artificial intelligence causing the rise of technological unemployment, it has some benefits. It saves time due to task automation and reduced errors by increasing the degree of precision. Machines are available at all times, unlike human labor. This brings about work efficiency. Also, the repetitiveness of tasks is minimized and it provides an opportunity for digital assistance. Artificial intelligence having these good benefits, its negative impacts are not overlooked since it provides human intelligence with an opportunity in the future of work.
benefits of the emergence of artificial intelligence

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