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Effective healthcare risk management plays an important role in quality improvement in nursing. Quality improvement in nursing consists of quality assurance, quality improvement, and problem resolution. Primarily, quality assurance ensures that the organization provides services that meet appropriate standards of good healthcare. Contrastingly, quality improvement ensures that all health workers in an organization work towards delivering better healthcare. Finally, problem resolution ensures the quality communication between the departments of an organization and that they work well together. Healthcare risk management is a task that involves the management of general liability and risk exposures for a healthcare facility. This contributes significantly to ensure the quality of patient care.


Fundamentally, for quality improvement in nursing, it is important to choose the right healthcare metric to measure. Additionally, the metric needs to be a relevant gauge for the quality of patient care. Also, the healthcare facility should collect the best and most relevant data from their patients. This may involve the use of electronic health records. It is also important for health facilities to empower nurses and ensure quality healthcare risk management. This is because nurses are the largest group of health workers and their jobs put them in positions to understand problems and make changes.

 strategies for quality improvement in nursing


Healthcare risk management requires the use of excellent verbal and written communication skills that help in communicating with patients and other health workers. Also, it requires proficiency in planning, implementing, and coordinating patient and staff safety procedures for quality of patient care. Good judgment and decision-making abilities are also essential for managing daily tasks and promoting quality improvement in nursing. Furthermore, health workers should also have the ability to work independently and as a team.
 essential skills for effective healthcare risk management

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