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Quality improvement in health care requires approaches used in the project development process. Quality improvement is therefore a framework applied for systematic improvement of healthcare. It seeks to standardize the processes and structures thus reducing variations. Moreover, it helps to achieve predictable results thus improving patients’ outcomes. Project development on the other hand refers to the process of planning and allocation of resources hence fully developing a project or product to ensure its livelihood. It typically consists of five major phases. In this process, a manager works to establish the people who will make up the team required to achieve the particular goal.


Quality improvement in healthcare majorly requires the process of standardization. Therefore this process follows two major mechanisms to ensure quality patient outcomes. Firstly, the behavior is systematic. Just like in the project development process. This means that there is a systematic way of entry of input thus avoiding randomness at all costs. Additionally, this mechanism allows for the systematic production of output within the bounds of uncertainty. Secondly, the behavior aligns with evidence on sound practices. This includes standard practices in terms of education, operating procedures, and training practices. Moreover, this increases the likelihood of achieving the desired health outcomes.

Read more on the mechanisms of quality improvement in healthcare at;


The project development process is important since it provides clarity to that path that an organization needs to follow to achieve its goals hence reducing the chances of staying out of track. It also brings about fluency in the project since the team members can anticipate unforeseen events thus avoid them. Moreover, it allows for timely achievement of the goals especially in hospital facilities thus bringing about quality improvement in healthcare. Additionally, it provides a clearer and more realistic image of the final product or service that the project aims to achieve.

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