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Process improvement planning is an important part of project control in a project management process. Project improvement planning is the creation of a strategy for improving or making things better in the activities of an organization. Moreover, it is a proactive and problem-solving approach that finds weak points within a process and also finds ways to improve them. Also, it helps to identify areas for potential improvement and measures the success of an organization. Similarly, project management is the effective control of a project and its output. Furthermore, dividing a project into several phases gives a project a semblance of predictability. Additionally, it makes the planning, operation, and execution of project activities easier.
process improvement planning and project management process


Process improvement planning helps to increase productivity in the activities of an organization. This is through automation of repetitive tasks hence employees allocate their time to core activities of the organization. Additionally, it also helps to boost employee satisfaction by reducing tedious tasks and enabling smoother procedures. Also, it helps to reduce risk in a project management process by highlighting activities to automate and reducing human error. Process improvement also helps to improve customer satisfaction. This is because it helps to reduce the time on administrative tasks hence the employees can focus on collaboration with customers.
 benefits of process improvement planning in business


The project management process consists of five phases. These are initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closing. The project initiation phase involves turning the ideas into meaningful goals. Contrastingly, project planning involves laying down plans for the activities of an organization. It also includes identification of technical requirements, setting up goals, and creating a communication plan. The project execution is the beginning of the actual work. Process improvement planning may help to establish an efficient and smooth workflow.
the phases of the project management process

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