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The essay discusses Plato’s philosophical views and Augustine’s philosophy views and their history. Notably, Plato got known for his philosophical works that had unapparelled influence. Plato introduced the idea that the mistakes of experts in ethical matters were due to non-engagement with forms. Examples of forms include justice, beauty, and equality, and Plato specialized attention on these entities. Primarily, as he conceived the entities, they were accessible to the mind and not the senses. Moreover, they were the essential constituents of reality, and Aristotle’s philosophical views underlined the sensible world’s existence. The article helps in understanding the foundation of Plato and Augustine’s philosophical views. 
For more information on Plato’s philosophical views, click
Aristotle’s philosophical views had its foundation based on Plato’s works. Notably, Aristotle tutored alexander the great, and this hurt his standing with many people. His actual works, like Plato’s, got lost and remained unrecovered. Primarily, his class notes got obtained from his student’s ideas of his beliefs and views. Contemporary philosophers shunned Aristotle’s works as they raised concerns with theological questions. Mainly, Aristotle Plato’s theory of the forms ad thought an object’s essence existed within itself. Thus, he also rejected that the idea of a soul existed outside of the physical body. The essay provides an analysis of Plato’s philosophical views and those of Augustine’s. 
For more information on Aristotle’s philosophical views and cons of Plato’s philosophy, click
Augustine’s philosophical views are distinctly religious rather than philosophical. Primarily, a problem that concerned Augustine was how we came to know the truths described by Plato and Neoplatonists. Augustine sets to demolish the skeptic who believes that no knowledge at all is possible. Moreover, he does not dismiss the senses as wholly deceptive as senses can support true beliefs. The actual objects of knowledge are universal and eternal, and thus the highest form of knowledge. Therefore, this means that external truths can get found within the mind independently of sensory experience. The essay helps in understanding Plato and Aristotle’s philosophical views and their foundations. 
For more information on Augustine’s philosophical views and eternal truths, click

The Philosophy of St. Augustine

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