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This research paper investigates the levels of Organizational Development (OD) interventions and OD diagnostic processes. There are eight phases of intervention in OD. They include Entry Signals, Entry Signals, Assessment, Action Plan, Intervention, Evaluation, Adoption, and Separation. The purpose of diagnosis in OD is to identify the problems facing the organization. Organizational diagnosis is an effective way of looking at an organization to determine gaps between current and desired performance. It helps to avoid and eliminate the barriers to effective change management. Organizational diagnosis evolved from a technique used partly for organizational development processes to a superior technique in its own right.
Read more of Organizational Development (OD) interventions and OD diagnostic processes at



Organizational development change management is a significant company overhaul designed to fix an ineffective workplace. However, there are some barriers to effective change management, such as resistance to change. Change is one of the leading causes of human stress. Therefore it faces resistance. Company leaders need to recognize these emotions and plan for change management before introducing major changes to the company or a department. Planning for change management requires an understanding of all levels of Organizational Development (OD) interventions. With intervention, leadership takes the action plan steps and begins the implementation process. Leadership explains to teams the series of changes that will happen and rolls out the change plan. For adoption purposes, leadership may hire internal and external consultants to explain the importance and purpose of diagnosis in OD.
Read more of change management for organizational development at


The most widely used models for change management are Kurt Lewin’s Three Phase Model, McKinsey’s 7-S Model, and Kotter’s Eight-Step Model. Concepts from these models can be used to ensure the success of the purpose of diagnosis in Organizational Development (OD). However, it is important to note that each model has its problems and limitations. Most organizations prefer Kotter’s Eight-Step Model because it is easy to understand and to implement. Therefore, it is most suitable when avoiding barriers to effective change management. It encompasses factors such as establishing and driving up the urgency for needing change, and building teams dedicated to change. It also involves creating vision and goals for change and communicating change needs at all levels of Organizational Development (OD) interventions.
Read more of the theories and models for managing change in organizations at 

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