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This research talks about organizational core values and culture change in organizations. Organizational core values define the ethics or principles that the company abides by regardless of the situation. These values inspire the best efforts of the employees besides constraining their actions. Moreover, these values reflect the organization’s aspiration for good behavior in the workplace and also helps to build a positive culture. Culture change on the other hand is a concept which outlines the internal and external factors that lead to change in the cultural pattern of an organization. Besides, it occurs as a result of several influencing factors.

Read more on organizational core values and culture change in organizations at;


Culture change in organizations is often a result of various causes. New management in the company is one cause. This is because new management often comes with new rules of work on the place. Hence this leads to a change in the normal duties. Also, when two companies merge or a company is acquired by another, it results in culture change. As a result of the leaders striving to formulate a culture that accommodates both companies while maintaining the organizational core values. Additionally, a disruptive change in the target market of an organization may force it to change the way they approach their customers or their marketing tactics. Lastly, globalization, whereby, an expansion of a company into international grounds, forces it to work in a way that is accepted by different ethical groups.

Read more on the causes of culture change in organizations at;


Organizational core values drive business success whereby they help employees make the right decisions since these values are the ground they stand on. This, therefore, makes the organization effectively achieve its goals and objectives. They also help to improve communication among employees, therefore, improves satisfaction. Additionally, these values boost employee engagement since they have a better understanding of the company goals. Moreover, they help in the management of culture change in organizations. This is because the employees know how to handle themselves in cases where the company has to change its normal operations. Lastly, they help clients to understand all about the company hence gaining a competitive advantage over other companies.

Read more on how organizational core values drive business success at;

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