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The essay will look at nursing strategies necessary for obesity prevention among Hispanics and US obesity rates. Mainly, ethnic minorities have an overrepresentation within the obese population with Hispanic individuals at more risk of obesity-related diseases. Many weight-loss interventions created for the general population have shown less success, especially among ethnic minorities. Therefore, there is a pressing need for effective interventions for the Hispanic community. Culture is an essential aspect of the development of culturally competent weight-loss interventions, especially for Hispanic individuals. Obesity prevention among Hispanics requires an analysis of US obesity rates to develop interventions that lean on culture.  
For more information on obesity prevention among Hispanics, click
An analysis of obesity rates in the US is critical in creating an effective intervention for affected groups. The essay will highlight a comparison of obesity rates of the US, a developing country, and a developed country. Notably, obesity has been a frequent and costly disease in the US, and its prevalence has rapidly increased. The US obesity medical costs were $1,428 higher than those of average weight in 2008. Moreover, the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was among non-Hispanic blacks, followed by Hispanics, non-Hispanic whites, and non-Hispanic Asians. Nurses can develop interventions for obesity prevention among Hispanics by analyzing the current US obesity rates. 
For more information on obesity rates in the US and obesity medical cost, click
Obesity prevention strategies developed for the Hispanic community should incorporate aspects of the culture. Mainly, obesity prevention refers to lowering the mean body mass index level. Moreover, it involves decreasing the rate of people entering the upper end of the BMI distribution. Strategies developed to prevent obesity, and their resulting outcomes vary depending on the environment they get undertaken. Significantly, approaches that may show promising results include a population-based and multilevel focus which requires critical participation by several parties. Expanding the obesity epidemic to affect ethnic groups has caused a paradigm shift towards preventive strategies that reach communities. Effective obesity prevention among Hispanics requires an analysis of the US obesity rates.
For more information on obesity prevention among Hispanics and obesity prevention strategies, click

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