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The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) created the nurse practitioner core competencies that apply to all nurse practitioners. This is regardless of their medical specialty or patient population focus. Providentially, these nurse practitioner core competence are each subdivided into specific objectives that every nurse practitioner must demonstrate to graduate NP school. Furthermore, NONPF asserts that the achievement of these competencies is of better value than the total number of clinical hours a student performs. Doctorally-prepared NPs apply knowledge of scientific foundations and technology and information literacy in practice for quality care. They also engage in practice inquiry to improve health outcomes, policy, and healthcare delivery. Therefore, Nurse Practitioner graduates have the knowledge, nursing leadership skills, and abilities that are essential to successful independent clinical practice.

Read more on the nurse practitioner core competencies and nursing leadership skills at


Nurse practitioner core competencies include Scientific Foundation, ensuring that NPs graduate with a comprehensive background in medical sciences. Secondly, Leadership competencies ensure that NP students develop relevant nursing leadership skills. Thirdly, Quality refers to the degree of proficiency of health services, while Practice inquiry ensures that NP students understand how to apply research to improve their patients’ health outcomes. Fourthly, Technology, and Information Literacy teach NP students how to use available technology to enhance services to their patients. Besides, Policy Competencies teach NP students how to influence legislation to improve health and social issues. Lastly, Ethics Competencies encompass understanding the ethical implications of scientific advances, while the independent practice competencies ensure that an NP can function as a licensed independent practitioner. In conclusion, these competencies developed by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties are relevant for all nursing practitioners.

Read more on the constituents and focus of nurse practitioner core competencies at


Career opportunities abound for experienced nurse practitioners with strong nursing leadership skills. Thus, the areas of leadership for NPs focus on committing to clinical excellence, the capacity to build trustworthy relationships. It also focuses on the confidence to inspire and drive change in the nursing practice. Also, other skills include having an open-mindedness to ideas and innovations that can improve patient outcomes and the willingness to embrace empirical data as a measure of quality performance. Lastly, An open, honest communication style that respects conflicting opinions and the determination to exhibit nursing best practices at all times are other skills. In conclusion, both leadership skills and nurse practitioner core competencies are essential behaviors of all NP. Providently, these competencies are demonstrated upon graduation regardless of the population focus of the program and are necessitated by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties.

Read more on the areas and characteristics of nursing leadership skills at

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